Chinese Medical Centre
0191 222 1890
14 pilgrim street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6QG

Terms and conditions //
Below are the terms on which Acupuncture&Massage provides service to its clients. Please ensure that you have read and fully understood them before booking any Service from us.
Treatment Appointments and cancellations
We will notify you of the time and date of your treatment appointment. Please check your confirmation and if you require to change the appointment you should call the clinic concerned.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, we require 24 hours’ notice in order to reallocate your appointment to another client. Failure to give the required notice may result in a cancellation fee up to £10.
The initial consultation is FREE.
The registered fee is subject to a £10 deposit ( include charge of initial examination and diagnose as well) must be paid at the time of register. The registered fee will be deducted from the cost of initial treatment.
All treatment must be paid for in full on or before the day of treatment.
Courses of treatments
All treatments purchased at a block rate must be paid for in full in advance of the first treatment or can be settled by installment. All treatments must be taken within 12 months of the date of the first payment. No refund will be given on unused portions of treatments packs.
Treatment suitability
We will always assess whether treatment is suitable for you, or likely to be successful, before any treatment being carried out. If not, we will inform you as to the reasons why.
We will not be liable for any economic loss (including, without limitation, loss of profit), or for any other special, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, its provision of any goods and/or services to the client.
It is the client's responsibility to ensure that he or she provide us with all relevant medical details before each treatment. Acupuncture&Masage will not be liable for any damage that occurs as a result of the client's failure to disclose such details.
The client agrees to comply with all instructions and/or recommendations given to them by, or on behalf of, Acupuncture&Masage regarding the care of a treated area.
Your right to complain
We have set the highest possible standards for our service, designed to deliver an open, honest, ethical and transparent standard of care for all our clients.
If however you have any concerns or questions after your treatment, please call our clinic advice line in the first instance on 0783 888 0006 ( lines open 7 days/24 hours) where our customer care team will advise on the best way to progress your complaint. You are entitled to lodge a complaint, either verbally, by telephone or in writing.
The member of staff who initially receives the complaint will convey the details to the Clinic Manager or their designated deputy, and you will be delt with straightway or receive a letter within seven days of lodging the complaint that an investigation into the matter is under way.
During the course of the investigation, we may require you to attend an additional consultation with the practitioner involved in your treatment, or an alternative practitioner if this is deemed appropriate. If you are not satisfied with this initial attempt at resolution, or have any objection to being seen by this practitioner, the company's Chief Executive will review your case.
Improving our service to you
If you have any comments or suggestions on how we may improve the quality of service to our clients, please let us know on acupuncture.massage@live.com.
This will be fed back to both the Clinic Manager and Customer Services, who will take your feedback into account when reviewing our practices.
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Case Studies

We have countless cases of customers who have all but lost hope only to find the solution to their serious health problems lies in TCM.